Community of Practice 20 May 2021
“It is through the mutual exchange of expressed affect that we build community, creating the emotional bonds that tie us all together.” - Nathanson, 1998 The conscientization around Relational Practices within the Capital City Kahui Āko continues to deepen individual and collective practices. In this session we continued to transition from teachers and leaders ‘Circle of Control’ to influencing the lived experiences of others through mana-enhancing actions. Teachers spoke about the reciprocity required in schools and classrooms to ensure that relationships are equitable. Central to this is the tone of voice being used in schools and classrooms. One participant spoke of a ‘tone of curiosity’ – about not assuming that we know the answer, or hold all of the knowledge when speaking with others. One model of particular interest was Thomas R. Gordon’s Roadblocks to Relationships – sometimes called the ‘dirty dozen’. Increasing collective awareness of these habitual responses may be a first step to more positive responses to relational situations. Restorative Practice philosophies of working with others in a supportive and non-judgmental way reinforced a positive way of how to do this. How people ‘feel’ in response to interactions is a good indicator of these ‘with’ values becoming lived values within our schools. This has been earmarked by participants as an area identified for future work. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” - Joseph Campbell We will continue to build this framework to ensure that all people within our Kahui Ako are celebrated and feel valued. Please follow the link to the Hauora_ 2 Manaakitanga_ Session slides if interested.
Our Termly NewsletterS2019 Retrospective
September 2023