We are keen to enable sharing and connections across our schools in 2020.
To enable us all to connect and share practices we would like to suggest light touch TeachMeet sessions, held once/twice a term on Thursdays, as one way to do this. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you would be interested in talking with teachers about, and seeing us offer next year on our Teach Meet link above. We also invite you to join our Facebook group so you can connect with each other around our learning challenges.
Thank you to everyone for your support of the Capital City Kāhui Ako this year. Check out Karen's 1 minute (well almost) retrospective of our year. For the slower version of the slides, you can view them here: Retrospective 2019. We look forward to continuing our work with you in the new year!
With a view to enhance a shared understanding of what the Within School Leads' (WSLs) inquiries are across the Kāhui Ako, the WSLs shared the key focus of their inquiries in this session. The Story Hui approach was used, and despite the lateness in the year, it was exciting to feel the passion and energy in the room around these inquiries.
Kaitiaki: (noun) trustee, minder, guard, custodian, guardian, caregiver, keeper, steward.
“The word tiaki is the basis of the longer word kaitiakitanga. Tiaki means to guard. It also means to preserve, foster, protect and shelter. So, notions of care and protection are at the heart of kaitiakitanga” (Te Ara) These definitions will underpin the work of our Kaitiaki / Stewardship Group, a rōpu comprising parents, trustees and community representatives who can help support and advise the Kāhui Ako. On Tuesday 26 November, school leads and members of the Kaitiaki Group gathered for drinks and nibbles at Newtown School to celebrate the end of the year, before the inaugural meeting. We are delighted to have representatives from across our schools, and are also keen to reach out to connect with other groups not yet at the table. This first meeting discussed the Terms of Reference, the purpose of the group and set a time to meet again in Term 1 2020. |
Our Termly NewsletterS2019 Retrospective
September 2023