From the outset, our Kāhui Ako has worked to connect and learn with other networks, both in Wellington and beyond. We have attended shared professional learning across the Wellington basin and pooled thinking and resources. In Wellington, students move across several Kāhui Ako so it makes sense! This week, our Kāhui Ako was part of a session with the Christchurch-based Grow Waitaha initiative, pulling together stories from Kāhui Ako across the country to explore how different networks had pivoted during lockdown to support our schools. Karen filmed an snippet to share our story - below - and one of our Across School Leads, Catherine Hill, attended to share and take questions.
Thursday 28 May, 3.30—4.15pm
Our learners all had different experiences of the lockdown period and varied engagement with remote learning. As we facilitated the reintegration into school for both students and teachers, well-being and belonging will have been at the top of our minds. We took the opportunity to reflect on what we had been doing during the first weeks of this unique (unprecedented!) return to school — and pooled our expertise around areas we are still wondering about. If you would like to find out more about what was discussed and shared check out our session notes! It is wonderful to be at Alert Level 1 as I write this month’s update. We are delighted that our schools maintained connections throughout the lockdown period with five different online sessions to share stories of responsive practice.
Our Kāhui Ako will be featured in a session as part of Christchurch’s Grow Waitaha initiative as an example of how we pivoted during the lockdown period and how this work will feed into our direction. We do not want to return to ’normal’ in that there have been gains in learning over this period. To that end, we are now planning a revised programme of professional learning for Terms 3-4 that takes an inclusive lens on student-directed learning, working with CORE Education (connected to Challenge 3). Other activities this month have included:
Mauri ora, Karen Spencer, Lead Principal, Capital City Kāhui Ako |
Our Termly NewsletterS2019 Retrospective
September 2023